03 April, 2012

Seventh heaven

We fondly call this place as DQ – Dolores, Quezon
We have stayed in Bangkong Kahoy Valley.

This place was colder since it stands very near Mt. Banahaw already. Others unbelievably played tennis. Unbelievably coz none of them knows how to play it well! =))

I can say we had the most out of the days we spent here. We had tasted and eaten fresh organic foods and veggies like fresh taro pizza, veggie nuggets which we had no idea that it was made out of taro and it tastes incredibly delicious. Just staying in this paradise with very healthy food makes my heart jump. They had raspberries in their garden. We actually tasted it fresh. But this raspberry shake is way more better!

The raspberries that were used here were taken fresh from the garden! There are other flavors like mango, banana and lychee but I was only able to taste lychee and raspberry and I swear! These shakes taste heavenly!

Enough about food! This one’s another exciting thing that made our vacation! This is the highlight of it. The zip line and the hanging bridge!

You couldn’t really experience zip line without trying the hanging bridge. Why? Because zip line’s station is actually located at the end of the hanging bridge. And that’s pretty cool and exciting. For me, I guess, it added a little spice to the sweet flavor. One’s not allowed to come across the hanging bridge without safety harness because if you could see, the bridge is simply as is. Nothing to grip on but the harness itself and it stands approximately 18 feet from the ground. =)) Once you came across, the zip line awaits. The zip line is approximately 3 kilometers long and stands 18 feet above the ground but of course it gets closer to the ground. The zip line by the way has two cables. Its up to you if you wanna experience it alone or not. =))

This is a haven of God’s children =))

photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2497259011237.89345.1845727772&type=3

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