There must be something about traveling the road to manila.
That - I don't know! I wouldn't wanna spend too much time looking for the
reason. I just feel good whenever I travel this route. I feel relieved. I feel
stress-free. I always seem to enjoy though I've traveled this road for so many
times already. The excitement I feel is still the same. I always have a smile
in my heart.
They say traveling is good and the best part of it is
getting lost. Why? Well for me, its because when you're lost, you become less
concerned with things that don't really matter. You only focus on things you
really need. You start seeing the simplicity on things. And that's where you start learning. Learning
is good. It will never fail you. It will always carry you on the right track
even though you've got it from the wrong one.
For me, traveling is
the best leisurely way of learning! You get to enjoy the beauty of nature, see
different places, buildings. Different faces and even different races! Just the
interaction of you to other people's good. Its a chance given to you to be
friendly and eventually make friends. These are the things I mostly experience
whenever I travel the road to manila. I enjoy the road because everyone seems
to be so friendly. Here, I see the most famous filipino trait which is
hospitality. Every filipino is indeed born amazingly hospitable and I love the
thought of this whole thing. Just makes me so proud to be one. And if you ever
wanted to experience these as well, don't even try using your car. Ride on a
public bus or public jeepney. Its where all people are. Good and bad. Middle
class men, less fortunate ones, - everyone! You'll see every single thing if
you ever concentrate on it. Try the road along University Belt. You'll see
different known schools and different students that would make you reflect
yourself. Oh I look like that. Oh I'm exactly like her. Oh I don't like the way
she dresses. Oh we do the same in our school! If you have lived in the south
like me, you'll notice the difference. Students' norms along university belt is
different from that of the south's. Why? I don't know. Its different the way I
see it. Go and see for yourself so you would understand. :)
This travel, I can say, is the simplest yet awesome for I
feel a smile in my heart. And I could do it all over again if I want to.
Happiness could be found in a person's heart. Happiness is priceless! And best
lessons are indeed learned outside a four-corner room called classroom :)